Rookie Poker Mistakes

I recently had a conversation with a hiring manager who personally interviewed 300+ people in the last 2 years. We discussed how uncomfortable it is when people make some truly rookie interview mistakes. People think the interviewer has the easy job, but it's just as stressful for them. It's not fun to watch someone make a mistake in an interview that you know is costing them the job. Trying to keep a poker face and finishing the interview can be tough. Here are some of the top mistakes we both have seen first-hand:

  1. Failing to do any research on the company so they are unable to answer the most basic question, 'Tell me what you know about us?'
  2. Making the first question when it's their turn to ask questions, 'What's the job pay?'
  3. Showing up under-dressed, looking disheveled and chewing gum.
  4. Arriving clearly hungover, sick, and smelling of booze.
  5. Taking calls and/or texting during the interview.
  6. Showing up late.
  7. Trash-talking a former employer.
  8. Swearing.
  9. Telling the employer what they think they are doing wrong in their business model without being asked for their opinion.

Interview = Thousands of dollars ($$$) on the line.


Top 5 Rookie Mistakes by Online Casino Players Everyone plays casino games for fun or to win some nice prizes, however an online casino can be a complicated place for a first timer. Playing casino games is not just about getting the right cards, as sometimes even the right cards don’t guarantee huge wins, while mediocre hands played smartly. Poker has many variations, but Texas Hold’em is the most popular. Each variety comes with unique rules. However, the basics of the game stay the same. The key is to master the basics to avoid mistakes and develop your poker winning strategy. Common Beginner Mistakes in Poker. Mistakes at the poker table can prove costly. New players should read this information to ensure they avoid common gambling mistakes. Learn how to steer clear of these issues while playing quality real money online casino games. 5 Rookie Online Casino Mistakes. Check out a few rookie mistakes that players make at casino sites and learn how you can avoid them! Playing Without a Budget.

Interviews are hard to come by. Each time we fail to fully prepare for an interview, we are putting an entire year's salary (and more) on the line. Even if we aren't excited about the job, it's still worth it to prepare. Who knows? They may have a job that isn't posted that we'd be perfect for. Or, they may remember us when a job does come available that we're a better fit for. No matter what, there's no excuse for not preparing for any interview that comes our way.

And yet....

How many times have smart professionals chosen to 'wing it' in an interview? I hear justification for the lack of preparation all the time. Things like:

'I'm better when I don't sound rehearsed.'

Rookie Poker Mistakes Against

Or, 'I don't want to look to over-the-top about the opportunity.'

They forget the cardinal rule: in an interview, you are a business-of-one and the employer is your customer. If you don't show them you're working hard to earn their business, why should they bother picking you?

I'm not suggesting we put the employer on a pedestal.

Rookie Poker Mistakes

I'm saying the best way to show the hiring manager we want to work 'with' them and not 'for' them is to come to the table ready to prove ourselves worthy of a partnership. Here's an article on why top performers always have the 'work with an employer' mentality.

Don't you agree?

I'm curious, what's other rookie mistakes have you all seen or heard of? Please share them in the comments below.

And for those of you who are thinking, 'Hmm. Maybe I should re-assess how I prepare for interviews,' here's a checklist of 18 things you need to succeed in interviewing.

If you want to read more of what I've written, check out my articles on


P.S. - First time reading my posts? Thanks for taking the time to stop by! Not only do I write for Linkedin, but I'm also founder of the career advice site, CAREEREALISM, and currently run the career coaching program, CareerHMO. I hope you'll check them both out!
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CAREEREALISM’s Founder, J.T. O’Donnell is a nationally syndicated career expert and workplace consultant who helps American workers of all ages find greater professional satisfaction. Her book, CAREEREALISM: The Smart Approach to a Satisfying Career, outlines her highly successful career-coaching methodology. Purchase her e-book of CAREEREALISM for only $9.95 by clicking here!

Rookie Poker Mistakes Poker

Image above by Shutterstock

As you guys have a lot of spare time, take advantage of it and engage yourself in full-filled productive activities like an online poker game. This poker game accompanies you and your friends to have lots of fun, especially when you are bored and stressed at home. Playing online poker would help you improve your focus, strategic thinking, patience, and decision-making skills. It is the most beautiful form of entertainment that would help to make you calm, creative, and observant. And you know the best part is you are earning real money so start playing and dealing with Judi online pulsa.

By leaning this, you can make it a profession and a rookie. There is no one where you start playing and win the maximum amount. If life was that easy, we could be successful, and there would be no struggling. There are no people who are born as a professional poker player. Not everyone is equally successful in making money, and there are few mistakes that rookie players make, that professionals would not do.

Some of the Common mistake’s rookie players should avoid are:

  • Playing above the bankroll: You should always know who your opponent is and then start betting. You should still enjoy playing and should never play, thinking that you need to recover all the losses that had been incurred.
  • Obsessively defending blinds: Do not try to play the game entirely on blinds. A professional player always knows when to access their cards and know when to fold. You should still see the difference between defending your blinds and defending your gut.
  • Not practicing the specific: You should always play a game only if you know about the of the game. Merely watching a tutorial and involving real money in the game would sound a bit stupid and is quite risky also.
  • Trying to play fancy: Every person likes to imprint their impression by one or the other way. Especially if there is a rookie, they would inevitably tend to play a fancy and impressive game and try to make the impression that it seems they are professional players. These are done so that you can keep your opponent a bit confused and scared of winning all the games. Either in real like or poker games, you should always try to take a complicated route than a simple layout.
Rookie Poker Mistakes
  • Not making the most of online offers: Playing the online game has lots of advantages and reward points. In an online poker game, you would surely get these advantages. You can earn tons of reward points/offers. You should always look at offers and grab those offers to boost your winning strategy.

Rookie Poker Mistakes Game

So, either you are playing online or have booked a live table, then be sure not to make the mistakes that the rookies have made. Professional players always know that there are places for improvement, and that is where they strive for.

Start your journey with Judi online pulsa.